Chasing & Fleeing
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Mr. Wolf

Game Overview

Set a playing area that has two zones: the Forest (the main area) and the Forest’s Edge (an endzone on one end of the playing area).

Have all of the students stand on the Forest’s Edge. They will be the Sheep.

The teacher stands on the opposite end of the Forest. The teacher will play the role of Mrs/Mr Wolf.

On the teacher’s, the Sheep call out “What time is it, Mrs/Mr Wolf?”

Mrs/Mr Wolf will respond by saying an hour (e.g. “4 O’Clock”).

The Sheep then move forward X amount of large steps, where X is the hour Mrs/Mr Wolf called.

This continues until Mrs/Mr Wolf responds to the Sheep’s question with “Lunch Time!”

When they do so, all of the Sheep must run back to the Forest’s Edge before getting tagged by Mrs/Mr Wolf.If a Sheep is tagged, they join Mrs/Mr Wolf as a Wolf.Play continues until all of the Sheep have been converted into Wolves.

Learning Targets

Game Builds

Build One: The Forest

Set a playing area that has two zones: the Forest (the main area) and the Forest’s Edge (an endzone on one end of the playing area). Have all of the students stand on the Forest’s Edge. They will be the Sheep. On the teacher’s signal the Sheep start to explore the Forest by running around in its boundaries. When the teacher calls “Wolf!”, all of the Sheep must run back to the Forest’s Edge as quickly as possible. This is to teach the Sheep that they are safe on the Forest’s Edge.

Build Two: Mrs/Mr Wolf

Introduce Mrs/Mr Wolf to the game and play the full version as detailed in the game overview above.

Build Three: Sleepy Wolves

Play continues just as above. However, now when a Sheep is tagged, instead of joining Mrs/Mr Wolf as a Wolf and the end of the Forest, they stay in the spot where they were tagged and become a Sleepy Wolf.

Sleepy Wolves stay asleep until the following Lunch Time during which they will wake up and attempt to tag the fleeing Sheep. If a Sheep is tagged by a Sleepy Wolf, the two players exchange roles.

Safety Considerations

Students should be mindful to not push fellow Sheep when racing back to the Forest’s Edge.

As with all chasing and fleeing games, only soft tags are permitted (no hitting).

Equipment Requirements

  • Pinnies (optional)
  • Foamies (optional for use as tagging sticks)

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