November 28, 2013

Purposeful #PhysEd: A Visual Guide

Just over a year ago, I blogged about a new system that I had developed to help make sure that my students were reaching as many of the outcomes outlined in our provincial curriculum’s grade level outcomes document (called the Progressions of Learning here in Quebec) as possible within the school year.

I called the process Purposeful #PhysEd and I’ve been working hard to perfect it ever since (it’s an ongoing process!)

The original idea for Purposeful #PhysEd came from a workshop I attended at the 2012 TAPHE-PHE Canada National Conference. The workshop was titled “Purposeful Assessment in Physical Education” and the two people presenting it (some guys named Doug Gleddie and Lee Schaefer) were showing the value of providing students with meaningful, purposeful feedback during class time.

Their idea of making sure that every thing you do in Physical Education be purposeful stuck with me, and I wanted to apply that concept to my curriculum mapping.

Today, I’m happy with how my Purposeful #PhysEd workflow has come along. If you have no idea what Purposeful #PhysEd is, you can check out the original blog posts I wrote on the process:

1. Purposeful #Physed: Curriculum Mapping

2. Purposeful #PhysEd: From Curriculum to Grades

… or, if you’re more of a visual person, check out the video I created to help explain the Purposeful #PhysEd workflow:

What do you think of Purposeful #PhysEd? How does it compare to your own curriculum mapping process? I’d love to hear some of your own ideas, so feel free to share them in the comments below!

Thanks for reading and happy teaching!

Joey Feith
Joey Feith is a physical education teacher based out of Nova Scotia and the founder of
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