Got a teaching question that you're grappling with? Let's talk about it on Twitter!
Send tweetReach out via email if you have any questions relating to resources or speaking events.
Send mailWhen you placed your order, you were redirected to a downloads page with links to your purchases. If you accidentally closed that page, don't worry! An email confirmation was also sent to the email you used to place your order. If you checked out with PayPal, the email could have been sent to the email associated to your PayPal account. If you've looked everywhere and still can't find your links, just send me an email and I'll get you your downloads asap!
All of the visuals (both free and premium) have been moved to the Visuals section under the Resource tab.
When I redesigned the website in 2023, I changed a lot of the site's infrastructure. Doing so may have caused some links to break. If you're trying to access a link that is no longer valid, try using the site's search feature to find what you are looking for!
I do! Learn more about my speaking, workshops, and coaching offerings under the Professional Development tab.