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Fear-Setting Booklet

Overcome the fears that are leaving you feeling stuck and get on with your goals with the Fear-Setting Booklet!

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About this Resource

Fear-setting is an exercise that allows you to engage in “premeditatio malorum” (i.e. “the pre-meditation of evils”) to overcome your fears and prevent paralysis by analysis. It involves three activities:

  • The “What If” Sheet on which you dive deep into all of the worst possible scenarios that could occur by facing the thing that is scaring you, reflect on what you could do to prevent those things from happening, and identify steps you could take to repair the situation should any of them actually happen.
  • The Benefits of Trying Sheet on which you reflect on what benefits could come from making an attempt or experiencing even a partial success.
  • The Cost of Inaction Sheet on which you identify the negative outcomes that could occur over time should you not act and just embrace the status quo.

There’s a good chance that there will come a time during this upcoming school year in which you (or someone you know) will find yourself hesitating to do something that you know you need/want to do but feel too afraid to take action.

I made a Fear-Setting Booklet to help you complete the reflection that Tim Ferriss shares in the video above. I hope it helps you overcome your fears and close the gap between you and your goals!

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