offers hundreds of PE resources that have been intentionally designed to support your students' learning in physical education class.
Help your students unpack and understand leadership with this set of nine Student Leadership Trait posters!
Promote productive peer assessment discussion with the TAG Protocol Poster!
Check out this collection of amazing tools designed to help your students develop a growth mindset in physical education.
Help injured students engage in your lessons with this set of six Alternative Participation (Alt/Par) Cards!
Create a visual class roster to help you learn your students' names, organize your classroom, and more with the Visual Class Roster template!
Help your students develop personal and social responsibility with this TPSR-empowered Classroom Jobs Poster!
Make your classroom management more efficient with the Power Squad Rosters and Spots resources!
Help your students learn how to take responsibility for their well-being and behaviour with the TPSR Levels of Responsibility Posters!
Help your students develop their self-compassion skills with the power of RAIN!
Help your students develop a YETI mindset as they unlock the power of “Yet” in your classroom!
Bring some gamification to your classroom/school and celebrate your students’ positive behaviours with the Adventure Badges!
Bring the SEL competencies to life with the SEL Competencies Badges! Each badge features beautiful artwork and a student-friendly definition for that competency.
Get started with effective online physical education lessons with this Google Slides-based template to build your virtual lessons with!
Set your distance learning lessons up for success with this collection of easy-to-understand, student-friendly Zoom Classroom Guidelines!
Help support your students as they build their capacity to identify, make sense of, and resolve conflicts independently in class (and beyond) with the Resolving Conflicts Poster!
Set clear intentions for learning, help students find meaning in your lessons, and communicate your learning targets with the “What, Why, How” graphics!
Help your students understand how to be effective coaches in peer assessment situations with this printable poster!
Help your students understand what active listening looks/feels like with the Whole-Body Listening Poster & Reminder Dots!
Help set some positive guidelines that will help your students get the most out of recess with the Recess Steps-To-Success Graphics!
Help educate your students and school community on the differences between physical literacy, physical education, physical activity, and physical fitness with the “Life Is An Adventure” poster!
Help your students better understand the four main game categories with these eye-catching posters!
Help your students redefine failure and learn how to overcome adversity with the Fail Then Sail Poster
Help create a culture of thinking and learning in your physical education program by making the learning process explicit with the help of this printable poster!
Help inspire your students with this collection of 40 physical education-themed, weekly quotes graphics for your school!
Help foster responsibility and understanding – not compliance – within your students in regards to having them value the importance of getting changed for physical education and physical activity!
Remind your students of the importance of putting people first, even in the most competitive of situations, with this fun poster!
Help promote a culture of thinking and learning in your gym/classroom with this awesome “Habits of Successful Learners” mural! The download includes all of the printable resources you need to create this mural in your school!
Help your students better understand the “Why” of your physical education program with this 11″x17″ printable poster!
Help develop a healthy, positive, and safe learning environment in your physical education classroom with the Character Shields Graphics!
Help make the national standards visible and easy to understand for your elementary students with these badge-style visuals! Each badge showcases visuals along with the student-friendly language versions of Shape America’s National Standards for K-12 Physical Education.